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“Why Am I Aging So Fast?”

Would you love younger-looking skin?

Unfortunately, our skin seems to have other plans. Have you noticed your wrinkles and fine lines are becoming more prominent a lot quicker than you would like, or perhaps you just feels the skin you are wearing doesn’t represent how young you feel at heart.

Premature ageing can look different for everyone, but there are steps you can take to help prevent, slow, or reverse the signs.

If you’ve been wondering, “why am I aging so fast?!” keep reading for my top tips on reclaiming and sustaining a youthful glow.

What’s Premature Ageing?

No one can avoid the ageing process its simply impossible, but we can work with it.

Collagen and elastin which provide the skin’s structure and elasticity unfortunately reduces with age.

Scary fact but your skins functions naturally start to decline in your 20s and 30s, so we need to start helping sooner rather than later. Your skin also produces less Hyaluronic Acid, which helps your skin retain hydration, so over time these things combined to make your skin appear “older”.

You might start to notice more lines around your eyes and mouth, thinning and sagging skin especially in the jowl and neck area or loose skin on your eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Signs of Premature Ageing

Premature ageing can look different for everyone, but these are some common signs to look out for.

- Wrinkles or sagging skin

The reduction of collagen production in your 30s combined with your daily facial movements that can’t be helped can leads to your first fine lines and wrinkles, there is no set time for when wrinkles will appear as there are a lot of factors that contribute to this process such as sun exposure, pollution, and dehydration.

- Pigmentation

A common sign of ageing for people over 50 are sun spots. These flat brown spots on your skin are caused by years in the sun. This means they’re likely to appear on exposed areas like your arms, hands, or face. Pigmentation damage is often caused earlier in life and the appears later because your skin start to thin, and its function is reduced casing pigment to appear.

- Dry or itchy skin

When your skin ages it thins, and thinning skin is more prone to dehydration. After 40, you might notice that your skin is dryer, flakier and may even itch.

Premature Ageing Causes

Do you know what the number 1 factor alone is responsible for up to 90% of the signs of ageing?

UV rays are categorically the number 1 enemy when it comes to premature ageing, responsible for up to 90% of signs of ageing skin. Other factors which could contribute to premature ageing include:

• Smoking

• Genetics

• Stress

• Lack of sleep

• Repeated facial expressions

• Poor diet

• Alcohol and caffeine consumption

• Pollution

How to Prevent Signs of Premature Ageing

Like most things in life, prevention is better than cure. Here’s my list of 7 things you can do to help prevent signs of premature ageing.

1. Wear a broad-spectrum SPF 30 minimum sunscreen every day. Make it an essential product in your skincare routine, so you never forget.

2. Stay in the shade, wear a wide brim hat, sunglasses and re-apply SPF throughout the day particularly when the UV rays are the most intense.

3. Don’t start smoking or if you already smoke then quit! Then your skin won’t be exposed to the oxidative stress that leads to wrinkles and the depletion of you bodies Vitamin C resources (and for many other reasons!).

4. Keep yourself hydrated, it is essential that you drink enough water and you are using correct products to ensure optimum skin hydration.

5. Use active skincare, which means the ingredients are proven to work. Vitamin A (Retinal, Retinoids etc) is a must for aged skin.

6. Fight free radical damage with antioxidant-rich products that contain Vitamin C an essential ingredient to fight against ageing and uneven skin tone and texture.

7. Always ensure you are adapting your skincare throughout the year to make sure your products are working at an optimum level for you.

Rejuvenating Prematurely Aged Skin

Unfortunately, we can’t go back in time to reverse your ageing process. However, there are plenty of clinic based treatments that are a proven way of promoting more collagen and elastin in the skin for up to 2 years.

The result can be visibly show lifted, firmer, tighter, plumper, smoother skin with fewer lines, wrinkles, pigmentation or acne scaring if this has been an issue for you.

Treatments such as:


- Radio Frequency Microneedling

- Standard Microneedling

- Radio Frequency

- Electroporation

- CooLifting

- Cryo Therapy

- Skin Peels

- Cosmeceutical Facials

- Dermaplaning

These treatments are all available at Complete Beauty so if you would like to look at reaching your skin goal then please book a skin consultation and start your Journey today.


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