Κey Ingredients
Olive Oil - Olive oil rich in antioxidant, such as vitamin E, vitamin K and polyphenols which protect skin form premature aging. It is also contains trace elements such as sodium and potassium which regulate cellular osmotic pressure and the transfer of nutrients
Arginine - Mineral argil, an active ingredient used since ancient times for its cleansing and protective properties. It contains trace elements as silicon dioxide, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium, cobalt, manganese, which are necessary for ensuring skin health.
Osmopure - Ivy, heliotrope and rice bran extract protecting the cells from toxic environmental effects, atmospheric pollution and harmful effects of tobacco, sulphur dioxide and heavy metals. Phenolic acid contained in the first two plants, in synergy with rice phytic acid, offer excellent skin protection.
MMW Hyaluronic Acid - 1.300 – 1.800 kDa Long-acting hydration. It helps in the penetration of active ingredients in the skin.